Top Four Habits of Successful Investors

Everyone is looking for the magical formula that will help earn a million dollars and produce the equation that gives you the perfect outcome. Hopefully by now, you know that no such magic potion exists. There are however, a number of things that you can begin to implement in your life that will undoubtedly produce excellent results both in your personal and professional life as well as in your investments. Granted, this is not a comprehensive list, but if you begin to filter these things into your daily life, you’re sure to see results.


The number one thing that you can do to benefit your investment portfolio is to educate yourself. This step will look different for everyone, but maybe enrolling in a class or a program is what you need. Maybe you need to grow your sphere of knowledge by reading more books, blogs, articles. Or maybe by listening to more podcasts or interviews. Some of this education may be free and some of it may come with a cost. Regardless of where it comes from, educating yourself will never be a waste of time or energy.

Develop a Plan & Stick to It

There is a reason why all successful businesses start with a business plan. You write a business plan so that at the end of the day you have an infallible document that is meant to keep you on track and reach your goals, whatever they may be. Granted, sometimes that plan needs to be adjusted, but the adjustments made to any business plan should be for the greater good of the business, not because of market volatility. It is easy to want to jump ship when things get hard or begin to look dire. But stay the course. Remain consistent in your plan. It will pay off in the end, even if the pay off isn’t what you were planning on.


There is a reason that the phrase “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is so popular. Because it’s smart. Having a variety of investments and properties will help you be able to take more risks and mitigate the shock when something doesn’t go exactly the way you want it to. It won’t maximize gains in rising stock markets, but it can capture a substantial portion of the gains over the longer term, with less volatility than just investing in stocks. That smoother ride will likely make it easier for you to stay the course when the market shakes, rattles, and rolls.

Listen to the Right People

There are hundreds of companies hawking their ideas and business plans. And while some of them are perfectly legitimate, some of them have never bought, sold, or worked with a property. Make sure that the voices that you are listening to have some stock in the multi-family market. That they have tried and true business dealings and that they have the longevity to back up what they preach about commercial investing. Do your research, be diligent to investigate.

Multi-family investing is often a long, hard road to walk. It takes time and patience. Unlike single family home investing, it takes a great amount of skill to land a deal. But if you start to walk out these few tips, you’ll see a return on the investment of your time as well as your monetary investment! If you’re looking to get into multi-family real estate investing, head to our contact page and leave your information. We are a syndicated, multi-family real estate company who deals with B & C Class properties and we are always looking for other investors who are looking to diversify their portfolio. Here are Magnolia Capital Properties, we work with one investors client, one property at a time!

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